The rail fastening system of SB type is used only on the pre-stressed monoblock sleepers. The rail laid on the surface of the rail pad between anchors (constantly sunk in the sleeper) is mounted with the SB type spring clip, connected from one side to the anchor, on the other hand like a spring pressing the top of rail foot. Under the rail foot additionally the rail pad is placed, while the rail foot is insulated from the rail clip and anchors with electro-insulating hold-down parts.
Characteristics and advantages of the rail fastening system of SB type:
- reducing the transmission of vibrations from the rail to the sleepers and ballast
- electrical insulation reducing to minimum traction stray currents
- high durability in service and adaptation to the high speed railway
- reducing the level of noise in the passenger cars
- a small number of the components; rapid and easy installation
- the possibility of using the mechanical mounting devices