Plastwil De Bonte company is an experienced producer of the highest quality prestressed concrete sleepers on the Polish market.
The Co-owner of the company, De Bonte International, has been producing prestressed concrete sleepers for 26 years. Six manufacturing plants create sleepers for all categories of railway lines. Sleepers can be used with various types of rail fastening systems.
On the other hand, Plastwil, for the past 35 years, has been a leading manufacturer of rail fastening systems for sleepers.
Thanks to the location in central Poland, the production plant in Łódź enables supplying customers virtually all over the country with the use of both road and rail transport.

Products and solutions
During the manufacturing process of prestressed concrete sleepers, a reinforcement tensioning of 360 kN is made, which guarantees adequate strength of the sleeper for bending forces. This method of prestressing is intended to ensure durability and reliability of the sleeper for a period of at least 40 years.
Plastwil worldwide
We have successfully developed our portfolio of products, and thereby we have become a reliable and trustworthy partner for domestic and foreign customers.

We are proud that the knowledge and experience we have gained allowed us to become a recommended supplier for leading contractors and cooperators in the railway industry.

We are a part of the dynamically changing railway industry market. We are where something important is happening and we do what is our passion.